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Learn for practicing artists is ideal for artists with some experience who want to compare notes. I'm always refining my skills, experimenting with techniques, and deepening my understanding of materials. Constantly learning something new is part of being an artist, in my opinion. 


My intension with Learn for Practicing Artists is for it to be a repository for all of the hard earned art knowledge I've amassed along the way. 


Sharing knowledge is the cornerstone of the painting tradition. I am so grateful that I have been on the receiving side many times. This page is just one small way that I can pay it forward.


How to See Like an Artist

One tool and three simple exercises to improve your drawing skills - Instructional guide with Pictures

This instructional guide offers a simple tool to increase your observation skills, easy to follow exercises to help break down complex subjects into basic shapes, and lessons in the fundamentals of values and how to use them to add depth and dimension to your artwork.


How to Make a Picture Framer 

Instructional guide

A picture framer is a simple tool used to help you to focus on your subject and not get distracted by what's around it. It will help you pay close attention to what you are trying to draw.


Part One: The Seven Elements of Art: line, shape, form & value - lessons & art analysis


Part Two: The Seven Elements of Art: texture, space & color - (COMING SOON) - lessons & art analysis


How to create Neurographic Art and destress - Informational & Instructional guide



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